
latin quarter造句

"latin quarter"是什么意思   


  1. She drove across the tournelle bridge and across the busy quays to the latin quarter .
  2. And there s your latin quarter hat , he said
    “这是你的拉丁区84帽子, ”他说。
  3. My latin quarter hat
  4. Boiled beef with vegetables . movie buffs should definitely head for the latin quarter
    电影发烧友绝对不能错过到拉丁区latin quarter ,欣赏
  5. Sometimes i am fairly sure i am out of water , and that i should belong in paris , in grub street , in a hermit s cave , or in some sadly wild bohemian crowd , drinking claret , - dago - red they call it in san francisco , - dining in cheap restaurants in the latin quarter , and expressing vociferously radical views upon all creation
  6. It's difficult to find latin quarter in a sentence. 用latin quarter造句挺难的
  7. Mount sainte - genevieve formed an enormous mound to the south ; and it was a sight to see from the summit of notre - dame how that throng of narrow and tortuous streets ( to - day the latin quarter ) , those bunches of houses which , spread out in every direction from the top of this eminence , precipitated themselves in disorder , and almost perpendicularly down its flanks , nearly to the water ' s edge , having the air , some of falling , others of clambering up again , and all of holding to one another
    圣日芮维埃芙山像一个巨大圆瓶兀自隆起在东南边,这倒是很值得从圣母院顶上观看一下的:只见那许许多多狭窄弯曲的街道(今天的拉丁区) ,那密密麻麻的屋宇,从山顶上向四面八方撒散开来,几乎一溜笔直地沿着山坡俯冲下去,直至河边,有的像要跌倒,有的像要再爬起来,但又都似乎彼此相互扶持。


  1. "latin prosody"造句
  2. "latin proverb"造句
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  5. "latin q"造句
  6. "latin quarter in paris"造句
  7. "latin quarters"造句
  8. "latin queens"造句
  9. "latin r"造句
  10. "latin race"造句

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